Southampton Association Scholarship applications now available at the Southampton High School

Applications for the Southampton Association Scholarships in Honor of Arthur B. Schoen, Jr. and Todd Goodwin are available at the Southampton High School Guidance Office,   There will be two winners chosen from the Class of 2022 who are selected by the Association’s Scholarship Committee.  Each will receive $4,000 per year for four years of college.  If interested please complete the application and return it by early April.  The winners in 2021 were Riley Fisher, Furman University and Cynthia Lin, Yale University.  

A new award was created in 2021 in honor of Faith Lovejoy, a former Association president, board member and a founder of the scholarship program. The winner last year was Kaili Hunter, University of Rhode Island.  This year’s student will also receive $2,000 per year for four years.

Two students received the Outstanding Achievement Award of $1,500 each: Julie Kreymborg, College of the Holy Cross and Robert Sior, Villanova University. Last year’s winners of the Community Service Scholarships received $1,000 each.  They are Kiera Anne Gill, Cornell University and Robert Sior.  

The Board is especially grateful to the Scholarship Committee who gave their time and thoughtful consideration to each student through the applications and interview process.    

Thank you to Bruce Bockmann, Chair
Committee:  Deborah Bates, Dottie Brown, Peter DeWitt, Deborah Herrick Hare, Pam Michaelcheck, and Caroline Schoen 



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