Village Meeting Minutes – March thru September 2017

As you may be aware from our e-mails, much has been happening in our Village over the past 6 months. We have a new administration – led by Mayor Michael Irving, a life-long resident of the Village! We wish him much success and thank him for stepping up to the plate. Kimberley Allan, who has worked

tirelessly for many years behind the scenes advocating for preservation and policies to help locals and year round residents, was appointed to take Michael’s remaining Trustee term (1 year). As a result, we are excited about our Village’s future. Furthermore, the increasing participation of many village residents at all Village board and trustee meetings has led to the Association doing more to support and enhance the Village we treasure.

With development pressures stronger than ever, much controversy continues at our various boards. The ARB has closed for a decisions the application at 24/28 Gin Lane. The 16,000 sq. ft. proposed main residence is out of scale with its neighbors, even with several revisions. Furthermore, there are concerns regarding the site work already complete which have not been addressed. At the ZBA, the 2.9 acre Despatch site on Hill Street is requesting subdivision variances (upwards of 20) which would permit 5 houses on the site, which is located roughly 60% in a 3 acre zone and 40% in a 1 acre zone. Lastly, historic Mocomanto (an original Betts cottage on Lake Agawam) is the subject of an application to significantly increase the size of the house, some of which would be in the wetlands setback. More recently, the Village Latch redevelopment is also headed to the ZBA, asking for numerous variances to gain approval to place 24 units on a 5+ acre site on Hill Street. As anyone driving through our Village can see, much is changing. We continue to attend Planning Commission meetings in the hopes that the Village will approve zoning regulations more akin to our neighboring villages. No East End community is immune from the current over development pressure, but a quick visit to East Hampton shows that the results can be much better if the process is properly monitored.

Continuing our support of higher education, the Association was pleased to award two 4 year scholarships to Southampton High School seniors Irma Martinez and Doris Hernandez. Both winners and their families were able to attend our successful fund-raiser at the home of Chuck and Ellen Scarborough on June 10th. Not only was it an enjoyable and beautiful evening, but also a delight to see first-hand such wonderful potential for the future in our scholarship winners.

Lastly, I want to thank the many members who attended various board meetings in our Village and Town over the past 6 months. Your efforts are making a positive difference in our community. If you continue to collectively make our voices heard, I am certain we can accomplish more in the coming months for all of our residents. A new administration can bring a needed review of the process and the regulations, putting both in line with neighboring communities. Again, we thank you for your generous support and wish you a happy autumn.

October 15, 2017



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