Village Meeting Minutes – May through September, 2016

The main topics of conversation throughout the Village during the summer months concerned the North Sea Road plan to increase commercial uses along that corridor, disputes over beach access and parking at the end of Meadow Lane, the purchase of the Town’s Land Preservation Fund of the Pyrrhus Concer site on Pond Lane, and progress on a study of residential zoning in the Village.

Additionally, redevelopment of the Village Latch into condominiums has begun, the 11 acres of farm land along Moses Lane has recently also been purchased by the Preservation Fund, The Tuckahoe Mall is back yet again as a “new” application, and in spite of significant concerns, the Village continues to study the possibility of a septic system.  Finally, the Association joined with the Southampton Press to file a lawsuit against the Southampton School district for failing to provide information requested by the public regarding the termination and settlement with the district’s former Superintendent, Scott Farina.

The North Sea Road Study seeks to allow more commercial uses and developments along the crowded North Sea Road corridor.  The idea has been pushed and funded primarily by property owners fronting the road.  A property-owner led study glossed over traffic issues, and concluded that local businesses could use lower rents to encourage more year round businesses.  However, most trustees agree that the rents will not be lower and that there are already significant vacancies around the village.  Furthermore, the zoning change would create an area completely opposite to the walkable, compact business district recommended by our master plan.  The Trustees will meet on October 13, at 6 PM for another public hearing on the North Sea Road Rezoning at Village Hall.  Please attend!

We continue to work on the residential zoning as well, which clearly has been making Southampton a spec developer’s dream.  Sadly, each month more local residents throw in the towel and move on.  We hope that adopting more reasonable codes and actually following them can help to save what is left.  The Village Latch is being redeveloped into 24 (proposed) condominium units, but fortunately the 11 ace farm parcel on Moses Lane has been picked up by the Land Preservation Fund with the Village considering how it will be used.  Tuckahoe Mall comes back before the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 11th in another attempt to jam a shopping enter on one of the busiest stretches of our highway.  No doubt, it will be a shopping success for those who survive the car-ride!  We will send more info as it becomes available.

Lastly, a heartfelt thank you for supporting the Association’s fund raiser this summer.  Not only was it a great event, but we generated enough to award $32,000 in scholarships to deserving Southampton High School students at this year’s graduation!

September 28, 2016

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