Liberty Gardens Project

There is currently a proposal for a federally funded housing project with 60 units on CR39 behind the Southampton Full Gospel Church across from the Burger King.  As the letter below outlines, the project is full of hidden issues and will in no way satisfy our need for affordable workforce housing.  At the hearing on October 25th, the developer for the complex brought in three bus loads of out-of-town supporters who all testified in favor of the development.  We need to let the Town Board know that this project is not what it appears and is not appropriate for our community.



While the Town Board closed the hearing to speakers, they are permitting written comments through November 7th. Emails can be sent to: 
Or direct emails and phone numbers:
Supervisor Jay Schneiderman  631-283-6055
John Bouvier, Councilperson 631-287-5745
Rick Martel, Councilperson 631-287-5745
Cyndi McNamara, Councilperson
Tommy John Schiavoni, Councilperson 631-287-5745
If you have the time, it would be extremely helpful if you could also call the Supervisor and each of the council members to tell them you strenuously oppose this project.  Ask to speak with them each directly. Cyndi McNamara is the only council person who spoke at the meeting and she spoke against the project (you can thank her).  If they are not available, leave your number for a call back.  
Please forward this on to friends who may not be aware of this project or the deadline to contact the Town.   
If you would like more information about the project, you can find information at the town website:
If you need further assistance, please e-mail
Thank you for your assistance with this effort.
The Executive Board
The Southampton Association


Dear Supervisor Schneiderman and Town Council Members:


I urge you to reject the Liberty Gardens Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and the subdivision, rezoning and site plan requests therein. The document does not present a fair, accurate or complete assessment of the negative impacts on our community, nor does it meet the requirements of the SEQRA law. Its adoption would be a violation of your responsibility to “determine appropriate actions in response to the needs of the Town of Southampton and its residents.”

To begin, the Traffic Study completely understates the impact this project will have on CR39.  It could not have been completed by someone who has any knowledge of our area.  The developer is proposing a single STOP sign exit for both east and west bound traffic onto CR39 from a 60 unit facility that relies heavily on outside services.  This is absurd, and you all know it!  Furthermore, the DEIS states that the recommendations of the Corridor Study do not apply because development is on the back portion of the lot.  However, the entrance and egress cut right through the newly created front lot to CR39 making the Corridor Study very relevant.

Given the monies taken by the developer from variou

s government agencies, and their dictates, not a single unit can be guaranteed for local workers or their families.  As a result, the benefit to the Town and its Residents is completely uncertain.  The developer has stated that many of the units will be occupied by individuals who cannot work – if affordable workforce housing is our goal, why is this being proposed?  A different type of “workforce” housing project should be considered.

The DEIS did not address the future development of the front lot which potentially could add another 40 to 50 units, equaling over 100 units on 9+ acres.  The density is out of character and unsustainable. By this omission, this DEIS is a Segmented Review which is ILLEGAL under SEQRA.  Furthermore, the review inaccurately minimizes the cumulative impact of this development and others already proposed nearby. 

 Another of the myriad of ridiculous conclusions in the DEIS is the assertion that there will be no strain on local services.  A look into Liberty Landing in Ronkonkoma shows 84 annual visits per year by emergency services to that facility (nearly 2 per week).  While the goal of Concern for Independent Living is laudable (“Affordable housing with supportive services and treatment programs operated to meet the physical, emotional and social needs of persons with disabilities, veterans, homeless and low-income families”) it is NOT AFFORDABLE WORKFORCE HOUSING FOR OUR COMMUNITY!

 A deeper look at the DEIS and supporting documents indicates there is a great deal of money to made by various groups and individuals in creating and especially servicing and maintaining this project.  The developer’s actions and statements at the October 25th hearing shows a desperate strategy to wrap the project in a flag and to divide and intimidate our community.  

 The Town Council has an obligation to fully vet this project and should not be complicit in the developer’s tactics.  Please stand up and protect your residents (aka voters)!  


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